Upcoming Changes: Desktop Release and Trail Blazer IQ Update

We hope that everyone had a good Memorial Day weekend.  Now that we are back at our desks, here are some updates to be aware of that are on the near horizon:

  • A new version of the desktop application is on it's way!  Our developers have been hard at work over the last 12 months, and this new version will have many bug fixes and feature improvements.  Note: updating to this version will require that the current version of Trail Blazer be removed from your computer(s) and then you will need to install the new release.  We will send out a mass email notification when it's time to do this, and our support team will be ready to assist your users if need be.  Moving forward, you shouldn't need to go through these steps with future releases of our desktop application.

  • The next iteration of our web app (Trail Blazer IQ) is also getting close for release.  This version of Trail Blazer is still in its infancy, but our team is hard at work developing new features for this piece of our ecosystem.  One of the primary features in the next release will be an integration with DonorSearch.  This will allow you to perform wealth screening on donors and prospects.  This integration requires a subscription with DonorSearch (our pricing options are listed on our Additional Services page: https://www.trailblz.com/Support/AdditionalServices).


Notice of Security Updates to iFrame Forms - Check your Domains

Our engineers put out a security update for our integrated iFrames.  This update requires that we add your domain into the web configuration section of your database in order for the forms to render properly.  You shouldn't need to take any action as we've already made the updates for you, but it's worth checking your website(s) where you have any of our iFrame forms listed (donations, event directory, email signups, etc.).  If you notice that one isn't showing correctly, please email the link to our support team.

Adding Attributes (Questions) to your Donation Form

Happy Friday everyone!

For today's tip we are talking about how to add attributes (questions) to your Trail Blazer donation form.  This can be very useful for asking any number of questions from your donors, such as:

- How did you hear about us
- What would you like to volunteer for
- What type of email correspondence do you wish to receive
- What program(s) are you interested in

It's pretty easy to set this up and modify it over time.  First, you'll create the attribute folder (question) and the attribute items (answers).  This article shows how.  Once the attribute folders are create, you'll need to right-click each one > select Properties > check the box for Display on Website.

You'll then go to System Manager > Settings > Website Configuration > Donations.  In the lower-right of the Donations tab you can select which attributes to display, ex:

You'll then click the blue link at the top to refresh your website settings.  Here's an example of the finished form:

As always, please don't hesitate to give us a call if you need a hand setting this up: 1-866-909-8700

Today's Tip: What To Do Before Householding

Householding your data is a very important piece in maintaining the relationships in your database.  There are a few steps involved to complete this process.  The video below walks through the preliminary steps to get your data in order, prior to running the household utility.  Watch now.

Kicking Off The New Year

Happy 2021!  You'll soon be receiving an email from us with a checklist of items that you may want to dig into for the coming year.  Here is the list if you would like to get a head start.

- all users have attended the free into training (register here)
- everyone has access to Trail Blazer on all devices (Mac, PC, tablets, and smart phones) (download center)
- integrate the Trail Blazer donation form directly with your website
- build an email template and send a mass email
- build a custom dashboard
- sell tickets and products with the event system
- schedule follow up training in any topic (free!)

Holiday Hours - Christmas & New Years

Our hours of operation for this week and next:
- closed Christmas Eve (afternoon)
- closed Christmas Day
- closed New Year's Eve (afternoon)
- closed New Year's Day

Wishing everyone a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season.

⍣ We Would Love Your Review! ⍣

It's been a couple of years since we've kicked off a reviews campaign with our customers.  Many of you have already taken the time to write reviews on some of our different online listings, and we greatly appreciate that!

You can expect to receive a few emails over the next week or so from the team at Gartner Digital Markets.  They will also be sending along an e-gift card for those that post reviews.  If you would like to get a head start, here are the pages we are requesting both our political and nonprofit customers to write a review on.  Thank You!

Capterra (Nonprofit): https://www.capterra.com/p/101648/Trail-Blazer/

Capterra (Political): https://www.capterra.com/p/55438/Trail-Blazer/

Software Advice (Nonprofit): https://www.softwareadvice.com/nonprofit/trail-blazer-profile/

GetApp (Nonprofit): https://www.getapp.com/nonprofit-software/a/non-profit-manager/

GetApp (Political): https://www.getapp.com/marketing-software/a/trail-blazer-campaign-manager/

Time to Prepare for Year-End Tax Statements

For our nonprofit customers, it's time to start preparing your year-end tax statements.  Getting a head start with building your templates with the appropriate text, merge fields, and images, will save you a lot of time when the time comes to generate and mail the letters to your supporters.  These resources should help to get you from A to B, but please don't hesitate to contact our support team if you need a hand.
- Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUVSUTciwaU

- Article #1: https://www.trailblz.com/kb/?action=view&kb=313&cat=0&qq=tax
- Article #2: https://www.trailblz.com/kb/?action=view&kb=246&cat=0&qq=tax

Server UPGRADE this Weekend

We are migrating to a new server this weekend.  The new server will improve performance and increase security (all good things).

You will not be able to access your database starting 9pm CENTRAL TIME on Saturday evening (12/12/2020).  Assuming all goes well (there won't be any issues, right?) you will regain access around midnight. 


  1. Be sure EVERYONE is logged out of your database prior to 9pm CENTRAL TIME on Saturday.

  2. Be careful about eblasts scheduled on Saturday. The reason for this has to do with how the emails interact with our server in real time:
    1. Tracking of email opens will not work.
    2. Links will not work.
    3. Images will not display.
If you need an email to go out on Saturday, sending early in the morning will mitigate these issue.
Thank you for your patience as we make these changes.

Updating Your Address Records with an NCOA Refresh

We hope that everyone had a good Thanksgiving!

Today's tip: take advantage of our NCOA refresh services to get the most up-to-date address record for contacts in your database.  This can be done on your entire universe of contacts, or a specific segment.  Our Additional Services page details the cost: https://www.trailblz.com/Support/AdditionalServices

To put in a request for this, please send an email to our Support Team: support@trailblz.com

We'll be able to provide you with a cost / time estimate, and an invoice.

Phone System Update

We have successfully replaced our phone system.
We ask for your patience as we work out the kinks and adjust to this new structure.
We are always available via email as well: support@trailblz.com

October was National Cyber Security Awareness Month

In observance of National Cyber Security Month (October)https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-cyber-security-awareness-month-october/

We wanted to provide our customers with some tips for securing your database.

Automate your Online Donations with Our Integrated Donation Form

If you aren't yet taking advantage of our integrated donation form, we would love to help you get it setup!  This form has many benefits:
- money is processed directly into your bank account
- the donor can stay on your website throughout the entire process
- the donor will receive a custom thank-you email
- the data will automatically be collected into your database

First, you'll need to activate a merchant gateway account that we integrate with: https://www.trailblz.com/Credit-Card-Payment-Merchant-Gateway

Second, you'll need to generate the iFrame code and insert it into a donation landing page on your website.
- Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYJOszM9CoU
- Article: https://www.trailblz.com/kb/?action=view&kb=214&cat=0&qq=iframe

Third, create a custom thank-you email responder:
- Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQhVau54b48
- Article: https://www.trailblz.com/kb/?action=view&kb=329&cat=0&qq=responder

Here's an example from our nonprofit demo site (feel free to test it with a fake credit card number): http://www.pandamonium.us/donateV2.html