In a prior release we added the Voter/Donor Relationships list
In this release we added a proper search panel.
Bank Reconciliation Enhancements.
You can now print the reconciliation. (Ya, that's been a long time comin')
When a transaction is cleared, we now add a bank statement date to the transaction. This will allow you to go back and see WHEN you cleared a particular item.
We did finally come out of the middle ages and make consistent the column PriorLastName. It's no longer referred to anywhere as MaidenName ( I hope we found them all).
Payroll Contribution Imports
Some of our customers import payroll contributions regularly. If you added the Trail Blazer id to each record in the payroll file, it was nicely merged with the correct individual. However, if you had a new person you had to import them separately or manually add them. You can now have records with missing Trail Blazer id's. The program will create a new person in the database.