New Merge Fields Added (Tax Deductible Contribution Table and Pledge Details Table)

(A customer called this morning and chastised me for not updating the Start Page and was tired of looking at the last article for the past 6 weeks.  Thanks for the kick, Rut!)


With the most recent release you can now include a table of the tax deductible contributions made by each donor in your year-end tax letters:


The name of this new merge field is:  «Tax Deductible Contribution Table Within Date Range».  It's found here in the drop-down list:





If you accept pledges where the payments are scheduled over a period of time, you may now include a table of their pledge status:



The new field is available when writing letters from the Pledges list.  The new field is named: «Pledge Detail Table»  

It's found in the drop down list:



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