Building a Default Format

Formatting (reporting) is one of the most important tools in your Trail Blazer CRM.  It allows you to quickly analyze data that is important to you.  We highly recommend reading through the article and watching the videos below, as they will show you how to save your own *default format* for future use.

Build and Save a Default Format:

Video Playlist - Reporting:

Please call our support team if you need a hand: 1-866-909-8700

Upgrading from Version 7 to Version 8

Important: if you haven't yet upgraded from version 7 to version 8, you'll want to do so soon.  There are many important bug fixes, performance enhancements, and software upgrades that are included in version 8.

To see what version you are on, look in the very upper-left of the application.  If it starts with a 7, you'll want to go through the steps in this video:

Getting Familiar with Trail Blazer IQ

Over the last few years we've been working on a new web version of Trail Blazer called "Trail Blazer IQ".  We encourage you to begin using this tool.

To launch your "Workspace", open the desktop application and navigate to the "Voters / Donors" List > File > Reporting > Launch TrailBlazerIQ (mapping)...

You will then enter your login credentials, and you can begin testing this new product.

Tip: bookmark the Workspace URL and share it with the rest of your team.

New Feature Release! Integration with DonorSearch

We are excited to announce our newest feature: integration with DonorSearch.

DonorSearch is a valuable tool that allows you to perform wealth analysis on your donors and prospects.  You can learn more here:

Here's an example of how a "synced" profile could look on the Trail Blazer IQ web app:

If you already have an active DonorSearch account, you can begin using this today.  If not, you can explore our price options on our Additional Services page:

Here are the instructions for linking your two accounts

User Management Tips

Today's tip has to do with managing who has access to your database.  Each account comes with unlimited user access.  If you need to create new users, this article walks through the steps:

If you need to revoke a user's access, this article shows how:

All new users should attend our free orientation training:

And review our Getting Started video playlist:

Last but not least, these links can be shared with your team for logging in on a PC, Mac, Android device, iOS device, and our new Trail Blazer IQ web app:
- PC Download:
- Mac Access:
- Trail Blazer IQ web app:
- iOS Device:
- Android Device:

As always, please lean on our support team if you need a hand: 1-866-909-8700 &

We're Back Online

As many of you know, we experienced a variety of server issues this week.  This affected a multitude of features such as mass email, Trail Blazer IQ (web app), mobile canvassing, and more.  We believe that we have discovered the root of the problem.  At this point all systems are go.  If you we received an error when inserting an email template into a mass email campaign, you may need to restart TB for the issue to resolve.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this has caused.

Pro Tip: Cleaning Up Your Attribute Tree

Today's pro tip: getting your attribute tree in order.

Attributes are a foundational piece of the Trail Blazer CRM.  It's pretty easy that if they go unchecked for a long time, or there is staff turnover, that they can become unwieldy and less useful.  We suggest that your team gets together to review which attributes are being used, which can be removed or merged, and which news ones may need to be added.  This will make your workflow much smoother and affective when categorizing your constituent records.

How to Create Attribute Folders and Attribute Items (article):
Adding New Attributes (video):
How to Merge Attributes (article):
Deleting Attributes (video):

Upcoming Changes: Desktop Release and Trail Blazer IQ Update

We hope that everyone had a good Memorial Day weekend.  Now that we are back at our desks, here are some updates to be aware of that are on the near horizon:

  • A new version of the desktop application is on it's way!  Our developers have been hard at work over the last 12 months, and this new version will have many bug fixes and feature improvements.  Note: updating to this version will require that the current version of Trail Blazer be removed from your computer(s) and then you will need to install the new release.  We will send out a mass email notification when it's time to do this, and our support team will be ready to assist your users if need be.  Moving forward, you shouldn't need to go through these steps with future releases of our desktop application.

  • The next iteration of our web app (Trail Blazer IQ) is also getting close for release.  This version of Trail Blazer is still in its infancy, but our team is hard at work developing new features for this piece of our ecosystem.  One of the primary features in the next release will be an integration with DonorSearch.  This will allow you to perform wealth screening on donors and prospects.  This integration requires a subscription with DonorSearch (our pricing options are listed on our Additional Services page: