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Home : General : Memorial and Honorarium Gifts - Add the Option to your Online Donation Form, and How to Run Searches and Build Reports on these Type of Gifts in the Database

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Article ID: KB349
Keyword Name: Memory, Honor Of, Memorial, Honorarium, Report, Search, Add Option
Created: January 25, 2017
Viewed: 14131

Memorial and Honorarium Gifts - Add the Option to your Online Donation Form, and How to Run Searches and Build Reports on these Type of Gifts in the Database

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Author: Kristenson, Joel

Last Updated: 2016-11-3


This article is for nonprofit customers who want to collect and track gifts in honor or memory of someone.  It walks through the steps to add the option to your donation iFrame form, and how to run searches/reports on the data once it’s in your database. Use the Ctrl+F hot key to jump to different sections of this article (example: “#1”, “#2” or “Related Resources”.


#1 Add the Memorial/Honorarium Option to your Online Donation Form

#2 Searching for Memorial/Honorarium Gifts in your Database

#3 Build Reports (Add Columns) for Memorial/Honorarium Gifts

#4 Related Resources

#1 – Add the Memorial/Honorarium Option to your Online Donation Form

To add this option to your online donation page (iFrame):

You’ll need to check the Include Honor of box in website configuration:

This requires appropriate security clearance.

After that setting is turned on you’ll need to click [Save] in the bottom-right, and then click the blue hyperlink in the top-right that says ‘Click here to refresh your web pages using updated specifications’. You can adjust the label in this area as well.  For instance you may want to request that the donor enters the address for the person the gift was made in honor/memory of, among other things.  My example of this modification is below.

#2 – Searching for Memorial/Honorarium Gifts in your Database

When someone gives a gift through your donation form that’s in honor or memory of someone, like this example:

The details display on the email receipt your database admins should receive by email as well as the receipt the donor gets automatically:

You can run search queries for these gifts in the Contributions list under the Memory/Honor tab.

In my 1st example below I searched for all gifts made in honor of anyone by selecting that option from the drop-down menu:

You can filter the search further by the specific person a gift was made in honor/memory of.  In my 2nd example I filtered to all gifts made in honor of Steve Jobs:

If you run these searches often, you can save them as a favorite for future use.  It may be useful to use sql wildcards with these searches as well, for instance if you don’t know the exact spelling of the memorial/honorary person.

You’ll notice that be default there aren’t any columns related to memorial gifts in the report:

The next section will show how to add these columns via formatting, and how to preserve these formats for future use.

#3 – Build Reports (Add Columns) for Memorial/Honorarium Gifts

To add in the information for memorial/honorarium gifts you’ll start by clicking the [Format] button, and select ‘Columns....

Scroll down the list of columns on the right that are attached to the ‘Contribution’ table, and check the boxes for MemorialPerson and MemorialTypID.

You’ll then need to scroll down the list in the bottom-left under Joined Tables, and select the Memorial Type table.

After the Memorial Type table is highlighted, check the box on the right for Description.

This is the column of data that will display and comment/note the donor may have made regarding the memorial/honorarium gift.

Once you’re finished selecting the columns you need, click [OK]You can certainly select more information here if you need to (i.e. phone, email, etc.) as well as remove columns that aren’t of importance for your report.

You’ll get a load animation, if it’s a large list of data it could take a few minutes to finish.

The new columns will be added to the far-right of the grid.  My finished example is below.

If you want to use this format again the future, click [Format] and select Save As.

Provide a descriptive name and click [Save]Formats will *only* be saved in the list where they were created, in this case, the Contributions list.

You can reload the format in the future by clicking [Format] > Select Save:

You can also assign it as ‘your default’ or the ‘global default’ by click [Format] > Assign as default...

The related resources below link to a variety of videos and articles related to this topic.

Related Resources

Article: Save and Load a Search Query as a (Dynamic) Search Favorite

Article: SQL Wildcards

Article: Inserting Contribution Transactions In Donor Merge Letter

Article: How to Delete or Rename a Saved Search Favorite (Query)

Article: Tax Deductible Contributions

Article: Recording Non-Monetary (In-Kind) Contributions and Creating New Non-Monetary Types

Article: Matching Contributions

Article: Contributions Year-End Report

Article: Enter Contributions

Video: Getting Started 102 Beginning Queries - Nonprofit

Video: Reporting 102 – Quick Reports and Export

Video: Getting Started 107 – Writing Contribution Thank You Letters

Video: Write Letter – Edit Letter after Mail Merge

Video: Reporting 104 – Joined Tables

Video: Reporting 105 – Pivots – summary reporting

Video: Getting Started 104 Queries with wildcards

Video: Favorite – Update and Delete Favorite

Video: Getting Started 106a – Entering Contributions (NON PROFIT ONLY)

Video: Reporting 103 – Format with various contribution columns

Video: Getting Started 107 – Writing Contribution Thank You Letters

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