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Home : General : How to Print or Re-Print Event Tickets and Event Order Receipts from your Database

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Article ID: KB301
Keyword Name: Reprint Ticket, Reprint Orders, Reciepts, Reserved Seating
Created: May 20, 2016
Viewed: 16492

How to Print or Re-Print Event Tickets and Event Order Receipts from your Database

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Author: Joel Kristenson

Last Updated: 2015-10-05


This article will walks through the steps to print or re-print event tickets, and event order receipts.  This was added as an upgrade improvement to go along with the new venue reserved seating chart feature which was released in September, 2015.  Click here to view an example event using the new reserved seating feature.  Contact our Support Department (1-866-909-8700) if you would like us to build a venue seating chart for you event(s).  This requires that the venue remains the same for each event such as a Theater or Auditorium with a set number of seats.

Printing a Ticket for an Event

Navigate to your Contacts (Voters/Donors) list.

Navigate to the Events tab, plug it in, select the event you need to search by, and then click [Search]In this example the attendee I needed to print a ticket for was registered for my 2015 Celebrity Golf Tournament which had 4 registrants.

Open the contact’s record you need to print a ticket and/or receipt for by clicking on any of the underlined blue hyperlinks e.g. their name.  In this example I used my own record ‘Joel Kristenson’.

Navigate to the Sales > Tickets tab and click on the Event ID for the event you need to print a ticket for.  In my example I clicked on Event ID 14 for my event called “Wine & Cheese Tasting”.

Within the Event record navigate to the Sales > Tickets tab, and click on the *Ticket ID* you want to print.  In my example I clicked on Ticket ID 15 for Bob Jones.

Click the File drop-down in the upper-left of the Ticket record, and select Reprint Ticket...

Modify your printing options as needed, and click the [Print] button in the upper-left once you’re ready.

This will bring up another print screen, select your printer, and click [Print] to finish.

That completes the steps to print a Ticket.  The next section shows how to print a Receipt for an entire Sale Order.

Printing a Receipt for an Entire Sale Order

Navigate to the Events list, and open the event record that contains the order you need to print.  In my example I opened Event ID 28 ‘Blazing Trails – The Kinds Trail’ – Alternately you could first find the person’s record in your Contacts (Donors/Voters) list, as was detailed in section one of this article, but this route takes fewer clicks.

Under the Sales > Orders tab click on the blue Order ID hyperlink for the order you need to print a receipt for.  In my example I selected Order ID 15.

In the top-left click the File drop-down and select Print Order.

Adjust your printer settings as needed, and then click the [Print] button as shown in the image below.

Select your printer and click [Print].

That completes the steps.  The Related Resources below link to many other event related articles and videos, but as always if you want one-on-one live support give us a call on our support line.

Related Resources

Article: Events 2014 – Part I

Article: Events 2014 – Part II

Article: How to Style your Event Pages – 4 Example Mock Events – Sample CSS Code with Descriptions

Article: Purchase Orders

Article: Events 2013 | How to Create an Event with Tickets and Merchandise

Video: Events 2013

Video: Events – Remove Person from Event

Video: Events – pay for an event online

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