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Home : General : Recording Non-Monetary (In-Kind) Contributions and Creating New Non-Monetary Types

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Article ID: KB296
Keyword Name: InKind, In-Kind, Non-Monetary, Contribution, Donation, Report, Type
Created: August 07, 2015
Viewed: 11296

Recording Non-Monetary (In-Kind) Contributions and Creating New Non-Monetary Types

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Author: Joel Kristenson

Last Updated: 2015-08-07


This article walks through the steps to create new ‘Non-Monetary’ types in your database for entering in-kind contributions.  It also shows how to run a report for ‘Non-Monetary’ (in-kind) contributions.

IMPORTANT: For parts of this article such as accessing the System Manager tools you’ll need full security access to your database. If certain in-kind (non-monetary) contributions have a different tax deductible amount than your regular contributions you can mass update that amount/percentage, section #2 of this article shows how:


First we’ll talk about adding a new Non-Monetary type.

Follow Application Menu > System Manager > Lists > Non-Monetary Types > Click [+ New]

The options you have when creating a new Non-Monetary type include:

- Description

- Unit of Measure

- Value per U/M

Fill out the form and click [Save and Close]My example is below for a non-monetary type called “Tech Hardware – Computers”.

Click [Search] and then click on the column header for ID two times to sort in descending order to put your most recent item at the top.  My example is below.

You’re now finished with these steps, you can repeat until all non-monetary types are added that you need.

Next you’ll want to refresh the Unique Search Value (Drop-Downs) by following Application Menu > System Manager > Settings > Update Unique Search Value (Drop Downs)

Click [OK] to proceed and click [OK] again once the operation is complete.

Now that that’s complete you can move onto the actual entry of a non-monetary contribution.

Navigate to your Contacts (Donors/Voters) list, run a search query for the contributor, and click on their name to open the record.  In my example I used my own record “Joel Kristenson” as the donor who gave an in-kind gift.

Navigate to the Contribute tab, and click [+ New].

Fill out the contribution form with all the data you have available, make sure to choose Non-Monetary as the Type, you’ll now be able to select your new InKind Type from the drop-down.  My example is below.

After all contribution data has been entered click [Save and Close].

Here’s an example of my saved non-monetary contribution in my record card:

At this point you’re finished with the recording of a new non-monetary (in-kind) donation.  Keep reading to learn how to run reports by non-monetary contributions.

Report #1 – Contacts (Donors/Voters) List for In-Kind Donors

To search for the people in your database who’ve given a non-monetary gift you’ll need to run that from your Contacts (Voters/Donors) list.

Click on the Contribute tab,Plug in the tab to activate it, select the Payment Method as Non-Monetary, and then click [Search] to execute the query.  In my example below I had 10 donors who have given non-monetary gifts.

Report #2 – Contributions List for Non-Monetary Donations, and by In-Kind Type

To run a report for the actual contribution transaction records vs. the donors who gave you’ll run this report from the Contributions list.

Navigate to the Contributions list, click on the Other tab, choose Non-Monetary as the Payment Methods type, and click [Search].

Report #3 – Canned Trail Blazer Report – Summary of Contributions by Contribution Type

The two images below show how to generate a canned Trail Blazer report which generates a contribution summary report by Contribution Types.  Under the Application Menu You’ll need to navigate to the Reports branch under Contributions/Pledges and select the report called By Payment/Summary.

Step 1 – Select the Payment Type/Summary Report and Input your Date Range

Step 2 – Print Preview of Report

Related Resources

Article: Tax Deductible Contributions

Article: Contribution Year-End Report

Article: Entering Contributions

Article: Customize Field Names

Video: Getting Started 106a – Entering Contributions (NON PROFIT ONLY)

Video: Filtered Contribution Columns in Format

Video: Year End Tax Letter

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