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Home : Using Trail Blazer : How to Remove an Attribute Item from a List of Contacts En Masse

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Article ID: KB86
Keyword Name: Attribute, En Masse, In Mass, Unassign, Un-Assign, Remove, Group, Tags, Flags, Categories, Update, Edit, Drop Down, Process, Automatically, Automated, Setting, Assigning, List
Created: June 03, 2016
Viewed: 15350

How to Remove an Attribute Item from a List of Contacts En Masse

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Author: Joel Kristenson
Last Updated: 2015-06-03


This article will teach you how to remove an attribute to a list of records, en masse. Click this link to learn how to delete an ‘Attribute Folder and an ‘Attribute Item – it’s a *requirement that all attributes be removed from an item or folder prior to deleting it.


Navigate to the Contacts (Voters/Donors) list under the Application Menu.

Navigate to the Attributes tab, check the box for the attribute you want to remove from your list of contacts, and click [Search] to pull up the list.  In my example I selected an attribute called ‘Test Attribute Item No1 (DELETE LATER)’ and it produced 108 results.

Select Edit > Set Attributes…

Click on the 2nd radio button called ‘Remove selected attribute assignments from contacts’, then check the attribute(s) box that you want to remove from the list of contacts, and click [OK]In my example I selected an attribute called ‘Test Attribute Item No1 (DELETE LATER)’.

After you get the pop-up notification, click [OK] to proceed, OR click [Cancel] if you aren’t 100% certain you need to run the operation.  If a mistake is made you can usually roll-it-back if you catch it right away.

Trail Blazer will display a load animation and notify you when the process is complete.  If your list is very very long 500k+ contacts it could take a bit of time to complete, my example is below.

If you search by the same attribute again you’ll see that the count of records should now equal zero.  My example is below for the attribute I removed.

You can now use the attribute(s) for a different purpose by renaming it, or you can delete it to clean up your attribute tree.  *IF you decide to delete the attribute you'll want to make sure anybody who is in the 'NOT' attribute category also gets the attribute removed prior to deletion.  To include those people in your list you will need to navigate to Attributes > Exclude, and 'unplug' the Exclude tab.

The Related Resources section below links to a variety of articles and videos related to attributes and how to utilize them.

Related Resources

Article: Delete an Attribute Folder and an Attribute Item

Article: How to Create Attribute Folders and Attribute Items (Custom Categories)

Article: “I Can’t See my Attribute Checkboxes” – How to Adjust the DPI Screen Resolution of your Machine so that Checkboxes Display Correctly

Article: How to Merge Attributes

Article: How to Use the NOT Attribute and Query for Records Tagged with It

Article: How to Mass Update a List of Contacts with an Attribute Item

Article: Add Attributes, Attribute Dates, and Attribute Notes to the Grid by Formatting them in as Columns

Article: How to Set an Attribute for All Members of a Household en masse

Article: Are you able to print custom issues/groups and/or log entries on walk/call sheets?

Article: Log Notes vs User Fields vs Attributes

Article: Rollback – Undo Function

Video: Attributes – Delete

Video: Not Attribute

Video: Attributes – Add attribute dates and notes to your lists

Video: Attributes – Import with Date and Value

Video: Attributes – Adding new

Video: Attributes – Assign en masse

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