This article will teach you how to use the polling feature. This article assumes you have administrative clearance for your database.
#1 Setup a DB User with a Polling Profile
#2 Setup a Poll
#3 Set a Poll for a Targeted List of Voters
#4 Perform a Poll
#5 Related Resources
HINT: Use the Ctrl+F hot key to jump to different sections using keywords like #1, #2, Related Resources
#1 Create a Database User with a Polling Profile
NOTE: In this example I create a new user with only Polling Access for my DB vs. a user who has clearance to other features i.e. Windows Based Access, Web-based Profile Access, Financial, Communications, and Events Etc.
Follow Application Menu > Voters
Check Allow Polling Access and provide the volunteer with a User ID and Password. You will also want to assign the voter a poll, if you haven’t created one yet we will talk about it in the next section and you can come back and assign it to the user later.
In this example I gave the user an ID of bsmith and an easy to remember secure password utilizing symbols, numbers and upper/lowercase characters. Click Here to use a free Strong Password Generator. I assigned Bob a poll called Support Issues – General 2014 which I show how to create in section #2 of this article.
The user is now setup with Polling Access. To query for a list of users with Polling Access you can open a new voter list, click the Admin tab, check Allow Polling Access and search.