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Home : Web Tools : Microsoft Expressions Web4 - HTML Editor

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Article ID: KB226
Keyword Name: Development, Programming, Coding, Email Creation
Created: September 12, 2013
Viewed: 18138

Microsoft Expressions Web4 - HTML Editor



This article will send you to some outside resources from great free HTML editing tools.  HTML is a programming language that’s used for creation of websites and emails.  For Trail Blazer it can be extremely useful if you want to create nice looking email templates as well as for adding CSS to your web forms (iFrames).


DISCLAIMER:  Trail Blazer doesn’t support these 3rd party products so we assume no liability for inaccuracies or lack of support.


HINT:  Using HTML to code your email templates will give you full control over the look, feel and interactivity your email offers.  Specifically you can control height and width dimensions, you can insert different columns and tables, control buttons and images as well as many other aspects.  Something to keep in mind in today’s world is that the majority of people read their email on their phone so doing the “responsible” thing and making your email responsive to mobile devices can make a huge difference in your email campaigns overall success.  One more thing to keep in mind is even though we have the ability to create feature rich emails, the most important thing is still the content you fill the email with.


STATISTICS:  A “good” email campaign has an open rate of 15% or more.



#2 (FREE) Related Resources

Article: Download MS Expression Web 4 (For FREE!)

Article: Learn MS Expression Web 4

Article: Learn CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) from W3 Schools

Article: Learn HTML from Codecademy

Article: MailChimp’s Excellent Email Guide for IT Professionals

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