Trail Blazer Knowledge Base


Home : Using Trail Blazer : Copying Attributes From One Database To Another

Knowledge Base



Article ID: KB176
Keyword Name: Moving, Synching, Tree, Categories, Categorization, Multiple, DB
Created: February 06, 2013
Viewed: 12226

Copying Attributes From One Database To Another



In this article we will show you how you can copy attributes from voters/donors in one database to another database.


There are a few ways to do this.  In this case I going to assume you have a large list (over 100,000 records).  I’m going to give you the method with the least amount of work, but the most counter-intuitive.




The first step is to create a format that contains ONLY what you need.  The SOS is the linking value between the two databases.


(for more information on Formats, see or



Although the ID column is not needed in this case, our system does require that column be present.  You just won’t be using it.


Next, export the 500k records to a CSV file.


It will look like this in Excel:



You will need to eliminate all the 0’s from columns C through G.


Import the resulting file:



The SOS will match automatically.  You will need to match the attribute columns as shown below.  Do NOT attempt to match by the ID column.  This is the ID column that Trail Blazer assigns to every voter/donor record.  This will NOT match any other database.