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Home : Web Tools : Configure Website (iFrames)

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Article ID: KB333
Keyword Name: Website Integration, iFrames, Forms
Created: August 23, 2016
Viewed: 17571

Configure Website (iFrames)


Author: Kristenson, Joel

Last Updated: 2016-08-23


This article will walk you through a lengthy and in-depth outline of the website configuration area in Trail Blazer.  It’s broken into sections on each of the different iFrames you can create with sub-categories defining these options.


DISCLAIMER:  The screen shots and content of this article are current as of 7/31/2013 – it’s important to note that Trail Blazer is constantly evolving so screen shots may look slightly different at the time you read this.



#1 Calendar Events

#2 Component (Political/PAC Only)

#3 Donations

#4 Signup Email

#5 Signup Short

#6 Signup No Groups

#7 Signup Groups

#8 Signup Post

#9 iFrame Wizard (Overview)

#10 Related Resources


HINT: Use the Ctrl+F hot key to jump to different sections of this article with keywords like #1, #2, and #10.  Use the Ctrl+P and Ctrl+S hot keys to print and/or save this article for future use.


IMPORTANT: For each of these sections you will need security access to Website Configuration and you will follow this path to access it: Application Menu > System Manager > Settings > Website Configuration





If you need access to system manager contact your database administrator.  Click Hereto learn how to set security levels, call Trail Blazer support (866 909-8700) if there are any questions or concerns.


IMPORTANT: After you’re satisfied with the changes you make to your custom iFrame forms make sure to click [Save] and click the link to refresh your web pages using the updated specifications as the image below displays.





#1 Calendar Events


Page Setup

Setting up an event is handled in a different location of the program; follow Application Menu > Calendar/Tasks > Events





Email Response

Just like above for the page setup of an event the email response is handled in the events location of Trail Blazer.  The first image below displays the email response location in the website configuration area and the 2nd image displays this location inside an event record card where it’s actually controlled.



Image 1 of 2 – Website Configuration – Email Response



Image 2 of 2 – Event Record Card – Email Response



Participant Types

As of the date this article was written the Participant Types location of website configuration is no longer in use, the image below displays what it looks like (green columns in Trail Blazer mean you can override the value and save) and it’s possible this will be re-activated on a future date.




Live Preview (EventDirectory.aspx)

The live preview location will display the “new” event directory as it looks online it also displays the web address to where it is hosted.  You could just as well visit to view this page.




Live Preview (Deprecated – Events.aspx)

The live preview (Deprecated) shows a legacy events system that we still support for some customers who haven’t migrated to the new system yet.  Just like the other live preview location it shows how your events would look “live” online and the web address of your events directory.





#2 Component (Political/PAC Only)

Lawn Sign Component Options

The lawn sign component location is used in conjunction with the Signup Groups form.  You can rename the lawn components to change the default label as well as add special instructions.  The images below display first the default components location and how it looks on a Signup Groups live preview, next it shows some sample modifications to the components, how to make them display on signup groups and what the live preview looks like after those changes are made.





Image of where to enable Lawn Sign Component



Live preview of default lawn sign component enabled on the Signup Groups form





These images display some sample edits to the Component and how those changes look on a live preview of Signup Groups.







#3 Donations

Page Setup

Page setup is where you can toggle on and off many different options for your online donation form as well as control other configurations. 


HINT: Thoroughly test turning on and off different settings in a variety of ways and refreshing your donation form before copying and pasting your iFrame code into your website. Once the code is implanted on your site you can still make changes in your database and when refreshing.  Those changes will take effect immediately.


Here’s a list of what you can currently customize in this location with a brief description of each:


Is Federal Required (Employer/Occupation): Display and require text fields for employer and occupation (required for federal political campaigns and some states).





Is Email Address Required: Toggle on and the requirement that people must fill out their email address.





Show Other Amount: The other amount displays a radio button and text box for a contributor to enter a different donation amount that what you have set as suggestions.





Show Donation Level Description: Turn on and off the donation descriptions you’ve created within the Donation Amounts tab of the Website Configuration (anything in green allows you to override the value in Trail Blazer).



            Image 1 of 2



            Image 2 of 2



Disable Captcha: Turn the captcha code off or on.  Captcha are used to filter out spammers and rogue computer programs Click Here to learn more.





Show Comments: Allow or restrict your contributors to add their own comments to be captured in a log note of their record card as the contribution is collected into your database.





Show Honor of: Display the option to make a contribution in honor or in memory of someone else.





Show Middle Name: Display the text field for Middle name (not a required field).




Show Nick Name: Display the Nick Name text field (not a required field – useful information to capture for email and postal mail purposes – can be used as a merge field with precedence over first name where applicable).




Show Donation Ticker: Activate your donation ticker for your web services (




Ticker Size: Adjust the size of your money bomb ticker.

Ticker Start Date: Adjust the start date of the money bomb ticker.

Style: Toggle the style of your donation form to Original or Page Top.  The difference is original will keep the donation amount buttons within the middle of the form the page top option will put the donation amounts at the very top of the form.

Amount Box Label: Change the default amount box label with your own custom text.  Two images below display how the setup and live preview look.


            Image 1 of 2


            Image 2 of o2


Button Label: Not sure if this controls anything it may be legacy settings.

Show Attributes Component: The attribute component allows you toggle on and off attribute checkboxes that you have previously set to view on the website.  3 images below display this process.


            Image 1 of 3


  Image 2 of 3


            Image 3 of 3



Show Lawn Sign Component: Display a text field for people to request lawn signs.



Show Disclaimer: Display any required disclaimers on your donation form.



Default Disclaimer: Remove your custom disclaimer text and click [Default Disclaimer] to populate with Trail Blazer’s default.  2 images below display this.


            Image 1 of 2


            Image 2 of 2



Insert Security Text: Click this button to insert some extra default security text into your disclaimer.  Save and refresh website settings to view the changes.



Donation Amounts

Donation Amounts is where you can customize different donation amounts for your form as well as add descriptions and choose which amounts are enabled.


HINT:  All of the green columns in Trail Blazer allow you to override the value by clicking in the text field and typing and saving and closing.


Image 1 of 2


Image 2 of 2


Email Response

Click the drop-down and choose which one of your email templates you want to use as an automated response to people filling out your donation form.



Live Preview (Donations.aspx)

After saving changes and clicking the link to refresh your website settings you can view a live preview of your donation form in this location.  The system will display warnings for things like you need a merchant gateway in place or you don’t have a redirect URL in place among other things.  It will also display the web services location where your donation form is located on our secure server.  The images below display my completed donation form as an example:


            Image of 1 of 5


  Image of 2 of 5


Image of 3 of 5


Image of 4 of 5


Image of 5 of 5


#4 Signup Email

Signup Email is where you will configure your email signup form.

HINT: If you understand CSS and/or work with a skilled webmaster you can take the HTML iFrame code that’s created and style it to resemble your website.


Page Setup


Here you have 3 options:

Disable Captcha: Filter out unwanted spammers and rogue computer programs by turning this function on What’s a Captcha?


Show Comment: Allow the people signing up for your email communications to add comments.


Show Zip Code: Check this box to add a zip code field to your email signup form.


            Image 1 of 2


Image 2 of 2


Email Response

Insert one of your email templates to use as an auto responder to be sent to those people signing up for your email list.



Live Preview (SignupEmail.aspx)

After making changes you can view a live preview of your email signup form in this location.  Alternately you can visit your web services location



#5 Signup Short

NOTE:  The term “Group” is now referred to as the term “Attribute” some of the labels in this area of website configuration still display legacy terminology.


Signup short is much like an email signup however the email field is not required by default and it’s intended to ban an un-intrusive way to collect first name, last name and optionally email address.


Page Setup

Toggle captcha code on and off.



Email Response

*Optionally insert one of your email templates to be set as the auto responder when people fill out your form, these templates can include merge fields to make the email more personalized.



Live Preview (SignupGroups.aspx)

View a live preview of your Signup Short form.



#6 Signup No Groups

Signup No Groups is where you can configure a signup form that collects more information that the Signup Short form but doesn’t display attributes “Groups” like the more lengthy Signup Groups form.  This form allows for the collection of name, address and contact info with many fields required by default.


Page Setup


Disable Captcha: Check this box to remove the captcha code that helps weed out spammers and rogue computer programs.


Show Lawn Sign Component: Check this box to display the lawn sign request component.


Disable Email Opt In Default: Check this box disable email opt in default.



Email Response

Insert one of your templates to be used as an auto responder for the Signup No Groups form.



Live Preview (SignupGroups.aspx)

View a live preview of your Signup No Groups form.  You can also view it by visiting




#7 Signup Groups

This is where you will configure the settings for your Signup Groups form which is similar to the Signup No Groups except it has the ability to display attribute check boxes that you’ve enabled for online use.


NOTE: Refer to section #3 to learn how to make your attribute items and folders display online.


Page Setup

Below are the options can adjust for configuring your Signup Groups form with a brief description of each:

Disable Captcha: Check this box if you want to remove the captcha filter.

Show Lawn Sign Component: Check this box to display the lawn sign request comment box.

Show Comments: Allow people signing up to add their own comments.

Email is Required: Check this to make entering an email address a requirement.

Disable Email Opt In default: Check this box to disable the default opt in for people signing up.



Email Response

Select one of your email templates to you as an auto responder for people filling out the Signup Groups form.



Live Preview (SignupGroups.aspx)

View a live preview of your Signup Groups form.  You can also view it by visiting your web services location <<>>


The images below display my sample Signup Groups form:


            Image 1 of 2


Image 2 of 2



#8 Signup Post (Legacy)

Signup Post is a legacy form that is no longer supported.  You can expect this part of website configuration to be removed, replace or re-implemented sometime in the future.




#9 iFrame Wizard (Overview)

The iFrame Wizard is the tool that’s used to generate the code for the different online forms i.e. Volunteer Signup, Email Signup, Donation etc.

From the Website Configuration location click the [iFrame] button near the top of the screen.



Select the type of frame from the drop-down.  The options include:


Donations  |  Events  |  Signup Email  |  Signup Short  |  Signup No Groups  |  Signup Groups



Select if you want to allow scrolling and enter width and height for the form otherwise leave the default values.



Select a Redirect Type here are the options:

No custom Thank You Page, use Trail Blazer’s default  (this is very basic and thus not recommended)

Redirect Thank You Page “within’ the iframe. Type, RD=

Redirect Thank You Page ‘outside’ of iframe. Type, RDIF=  (this is the most commonly used option)



After selecting the type of redirect you can enter the web address (URL) of where the Thank You Page is located.  You can click [Verify Redirect] to confirm the page is entered and working properly.



When generating a donation iFrame you can link them to an event you’ve created.  This can be useful to track those contributions against the specific form they originated from.



After generating the iFrame you can click [Copy HTML] and take the code and implant it into your websites code.  The iFrame Wizard will display the code, a preview of the form and a preview of your redirect page if applicable.



HINT:  iFrames web forms are an extremely useful feature in Trail Blazer but can be a little confusing to generate if you’ve never done it before.  Please refer to the references below and don’t hesitate to call/email tech support to have a technician assist you with generating and implanting these forms to your website.  Working with a skilled webmaster can also greatly improve the effectiveness of this process.



#10 Related Resources

Article: Linking your Website to your Database with Custom Online Forms

Video: iFrame

Video: Attributes – Add To Donation Page

Article (3rd Party Source – W3 Schools): iFrames

Article (3rd Party Source – W3 Schools): CSS

Article (3rd Party Source – W3 Schools): HTML

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