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Home : Political/PAC : Voter History - Election List and Voter History

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Article ID: KB25
Keyword Name: Political, PAC, Election List, Voter History, Append, State
Created: February 05, 2013
Viewed: 12045

Voter History - Election List and Voter History

To add new elections from the SOS election list - If you are in AR, LA, MN, MO, or OK this is how you bring in elections from the State List.


2 steps – Add the Elections to the list and the Update the Voters with that information.


1) Add Elections from the Application Menu - under System Manager then Elections, Voter History

A) Go to the File menu on top.

B) Select Import State Elections

C) Click OK

D) Pick elections from list.

E) Click Import when complete.



2) Update Voter History with the elections selected in step 1. 

A) Open the Voters search window.

B) Search for all voters. In databases that cover a large population, you may want to do this proces by a congressional district or even county basis.

C) From the File menu, select Import Voting History from TB State File.

D) Click Ok when a window appears giving a warning. 

This process updates the voters in the list with the elections they voted in - as selected in Step 1.


Note it is okay if this process is run on any particular voter(s) more than once.  The voter history data will not be duplicated.  However, it does check to see if the selected elections in the database have been imported from the state database.  If not, then it imports them. If not, a little bit of time has been spent verifying the election data was imported.



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