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Home : Political/PAC : Printable Call Book Report for Outbound Fundraising or Prospecting Calls

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Article ID: KB188
Keyword Name: Political, GOTV, Fundraise Report, Callbook, Outbound, Prospecting, Print, Call Sheet, Callsheet
Created: October 31, 2018
Viewed: 21020

Printable Call Book Report for Outbound Fundraising or Prospecting Calls

Click Here to view this article as a PDF.

Author: Kristenson, Joel

Last Updated: 2018-31-18


This article walks through the steps to create a printable Call Book Report (sometimes called an Outbound Calling Report or a Trip Report).  This is used for your fundraising and prospecting needs when making phone calls (sometimes this report is used for other purposes as well).

Call books provide an in-depth summary of data (e.g. contribution history, log note interactions, attributes, user fields, and contact info), for the list of contacts (voters/donors/prospects) that you search for.  Call books are typically used for fundraising calls so the person making the call (usually the candidate or a board member) has a good understanding of who they’re talking to and they can jot down notes on the call book during/after the call.

The article first shows how to target a list of contacts to call, how to generate the built-in “report”, configure the report options, and it provides an example of how a final print preview looks. You can use our mobile app to look up contacts on the go and view things like contact info, address, giving history, email/phone number, and record/view log notes.  This can be useful for someone who wants to make calls to donors but doesn’t have their laptop with, but it does require appropriate security access.


Navigate to the Voters/Donors list under the Application MenuFor the purpose of this article I used the political version.

Build and run your search query for the list of contacts you want to generate a call book report for.  In my example I searched for all voters who contributed to my general 2016 election which produced 528 results.

Click File > Reporting > Call Book Report…

Work your way through the different tabs to configure all the options you want to print out on your call book report.  I’ve detailed my example below for each tab using 6 screenshots.

Img 1 of 6 – General

Img 2 of 6 – User Text

Img 3 of 6 – User Num/Date

Img 4 of 6 – Logs

Img 5 of 6 – Include Other Voters

Img 6 of 6 – Attribute

Once you’re finished configuring everything, click [OK] to run the print previewIf you’re doing this for a large list it may take a few minutes for the report to finish generating.

The two images below display print previews of my example call book report.  You can click the [Page Settings] button to adjust the margins, type of paper, etc.  You can view the different pages of the call book using the blue page forward and page backward buttons on the top tool strip.

Img 1 of 2 – Page 1 Example Call Book Report

Img 2 of 2 – Page 2 Example Call Book Report

Once you’re ready you can click the [Print] button to print to either paper or as a PDF (requires you have a PDF printer installed). Instead of printing directly to paper you could save your call book report as a pdf.  I would suggest using the free Bullzip PDF if you’re working on a PC.  Typically a computer will come with a PDF printer installed.

Take a look at the related resources below for links to a variety of similar articles and videos.

Related Resources

Article: Customizing Field Names

Article: Walk List Selectable Format

Article: Adding Log Types

Article: Adding Log Notes, Mass Log Notes & Reminders

Article: How to Rename User Fields, Query by them, Add them to the Grid as Columns, and Utilizing them as Merge Fields in a Letter & E-Mail Template

Article: How to Create Attribute Folders and Attribute Items (Custom Categories)

Article: Creating and Saving Default Formats for Reporting with the Grid

Article: Add Attributes, Attribute Dates, and Attribute Notes to the Grid by Formatting them in as Columns

Article: Mobile Base Camp – Contact Search

Article: Mobile Base Camp – How to Create and Run a Mobile Canvassing (Walk) List

Article: Mobile Base Camp – How to Setup and Use the Mobile Poll Watching App

Article: Tips and Tricks for using Mobile Base Camp – Add Shortcuts to your Home Screen, Adjust Device Settings to Keep the Screen on, and More

Article: Log Notes vs User Fields vs Attributes

Article: SQL Wildcards

Article: Save and Load a Search Query as a (Dynamic) Search Favorite

Video: Reporting 102 – Quick Reports and Export

Video: Attributes – Adding New

Video: Reporting 101 – Political – Contribution reports & Walk Lists

Video: Reporting 104 – Joined tables

Video: Search Tool Strip Enhancements

Video: Getting Started 105 – Queries with an AND condition

Video: Canvass Your Neighborhood With Our Mobile Canvassing App

Video: Getting Started 104 Queries with wildcards

Video: Getting Started 102 Beginning Queries - Political

Video: Getting Started 102 Beginning Queries - Nonprofit

Video: Mobile Canvassing

3rd Party Tool: Bullzip PDF Printer

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