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Home : Financial : Batch Entry of Donations - (Nonprofit Only)

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Article ID: KB1377
Keyword Name: Donations, Contributions, Batch, Deposit
Created: June 13, 2017
Viewed: 9735

Batch Entry of Donations - (Nonprofit Only)

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Author: Kristenson, Joel

Last Updated: 2017-06-13


This article walks through the steps to quickly batch enter donations in Trail Blazer (instead of going through one donor record at-a-time to enter gifts). Add events to the donation form drop-down to track the source of a donation, and use allocation funds to track where the money is going.


Open the Contributions list.

Click the [+ New] button from the Search Tool Strip.

Search for the donor by name and select them from the list.  If they don’t exist you’ll need to click [+ New] and add them as a new record. Many organizations record a Batch Code when recording donations.  You can do this under the Other Tab:

Fill out the donation form and then click [Save and Close]Some common information would include the event (source), date, amount, allocation fund, memo, and batch code.  My example is below for a $75.00 donation by check.

The new donation will display in the grid.  Click the [+ New] button to begin adding the next donation in your batch.  Repeat these steps until all donations have been entered.

Once you’re finished with entering the donations in your batch they’ll all display in the gridMy finished example is below.

If you work with a 3rd party accounting system like QuickBooks, it’s not uncommon that a bookkeeper will need this list of donations to reconcile with that account.  You can run an export of the data to a .csv spreadsheet or you can take the total amount and record a journal entry into that system.

Take a look at the related resources below for links to other videos and articles similar to this topic.

Related Resources

Article: How to Add a New ‘Event’ to the Drop-Down List for Entering Donations

Article: How to Add and Remove Allocation Funds to the Donation Form Drop-Down Inside the Trail Blazer Database

Article: Importing Contributions

Article: Entering Contributions

Article: Recording Non-Monetary (In-Kind) Contributions and Creating New Non-Monetary Types

Article: Tax Deductible Contributions – How to Record the Tax-Deductible Amount and How to Mass Update a List of Contributions with a Tax-Deductible Percentage

Video: Getting Started 106a – Entering Contributions (NON PROFIT ONLY)

Video: Importing Contributions

Video: Year End Tax Letter

Video: Write Letter – Edit Letter after Mail Merge

Video: Getting Started 107 – Writing Contribution Thank You Letters

Video: Thank A Person Once For Multiple Contributions

Video: Search – Contribution AndOR (donated in 1 time period but not another)

3rd Party Tool: QuickBooks

3rd Party Article: How to Record Journal Entries in QuickBooks

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