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Author: Joel Kristenson
Last Updated: 2014-7-17
Events 2013 Published: 2012-12-20
This article picks up where Events 2014 Part I left off. This section digs deeper into managing product/ticket sales, attendees, and how to build a custom shopping cart. There are many links throughout to other related resources.
Tip: It may be easier to print out this article and follow along, or contact our support team to have someone go through the steps with you 1-866-909-8700 /
#1 Managing Sale Orders and Event Attendees
#2 Querying Event Attendees
#3 Searching Product Sales (Inventory/Reporting)
#4 Related Resources
Tip: Use the Ctrl+F hot key to jump to different sections using keywords like #1, #2, Related Resources
#1 Managing Sale Orders and Event Attendees
As people begin registering for events and ordering tickets/products you can work with the data in Trail Blazer in many different ways. This section will detail how sales orders and event attendees look inside the database and how you can query people by Events, Orders, Products and RSVP Response.
Navigate to the Events list.
Click [Search] to populate all events.
View details in the grid such as Event Name, Dates, Location, Pledges, Contributions (sales/donations), Summary Counts and which events have been published. You may adjust the columns to your needs by Formatting. You may also Print/Export the results.
Click on any of the underlined blue links to open that event. In my example I opened an event called “21st Annual Golf Tournament”.
The 1st screen you will see displays the Sales > Orders tab where you can view who the purchaser is, the date of the order, payment type (if applicable), as well as the order status. This is where you will fulfill orders as people make their payment(s).
In my example my event displayed three different Sales Orders with a status of Open. Two were for a monetary value and one was for a free volunteer signup.
From here you have the ability to click the [+ New] button to manually create new sale orders.
Click on a pre-existing order ID to open, record payments and set the order status.
In my example I chose to open Order ID 2 and fulfill it by entering the amount shipped and setting the order status to complete.
The next screen will display the Order Lines with related details. From here you can toggle between the Tickets and Order Lines tabs and you also have the ability to [X] Delete the entire Sale Order (with utmost discretion).
The image below shows details about the sale order screen.
Click the Order Line ID hyperlink to open. In my example I selected Order Line ID #1 which was a single ticket that required shipping to complete.
From the Order Line screen you can view details, mark the quantity shipped, record notes or delete the order.
Below is my example of a completed order with the quantity shipped set to 1 and a note.
Click [Save] to update the Order Line or [Cancel] to close without making changes.
After entering the quantity Shipped you will need to click the Order Status drop-down and select Completed.
Alternately you may choose to do this at a later time if multiple products/tickets need to be shipped and paid for or if the order gets canceled you can also mark it as such.
Once you set the Order Status to Completed click [Save and Close] in the bottom right to finish.
Back in the Sales > Orders tab of the event the order status will display as completed.
To view a list of everyone who’s signed up for the event click on the Summary tab.
From here you can:
· Add New Attendees Manually
· View Details in the Grid
· Filter by Response / Financial Status / Attendance Status
· Print/Export & Run Pivot (Summary) Reports
· Update/Delete attendees under the RSVP Response Link (explained below)
Image 1 of 2 | Summary Tab
Image 2 of 2 | Summary Tab
If you click on the blue link under RSVP Response you can:
· Delete the Attendee
· Set the RSVP Response and Date of Response
· Set Actually Attend Status
· Set Role
· Record Notes within User1 and User2 Custom Fields
· Record Comments
The image below is a detailed example of a participant for my event.
Click [Save] after making adjustments or [Cancel] to close.
#2 Querying Event Attendees
There are a few different ways to search for event attendees. One would be from the contact list (voters/donors) and the other would be from within the event itself, under the Summary tab.
The 2 options are detailed below starting by searching from the contacts list.
Navigate to the donor/voter list. In this example I used a nonprofit database.
Click on the Event tab and plug it in.
From here you can check boxes for the different events to search by - you can also filter by Response and Financial (i.e. if someone contributed financially to the event such as a ticket/product purchase or a donation.)
Create filtered column reports to see how much donors have given by event (if you want a really neat report you can filter by both event and by date range – an example of this would be to create a single membership event to tie money to, and filter a column for each year displaying membership dues paid).
The image below shows everyone who’s signed up for my 21st Annual Golf event.
The other area you can search for event attendees would be from within that specific event record.
Navigate to the Events list.
Search for the event and open it. I used the event 21st Annual Golf Tournament.
Click on the Summary tab.
This displays everyone who’s associated with the event and displays details such as RSVP response, role, and how much money they’ve paid.
You can filter this list by Response, Financial, and Attendance.
From here you could print or export the list and check people off at the door. You could also bring your laptop with as long as you have internet access.
The next section describes how to query and report on sale orders.
#3 Searching Product Sales (Inventory/Reporting)
Follow Application Menu > Donor/Voter/Contact > Product Sales
From here you can run reports in the Sales Orders, Sale Order Lines and Products lists.
Each one is listed below starting with Sales Orders.
Within this list you can search by:
· Order Status Open, Completed and Cancelled
· Date Range
· Event Name
· Payment Type
· Amount Range
· Unpaid Orders Only
The image below details what the Sales Orders list looks like by default.
If you click on any of the Order ID links you can open that specific order to set it as complete, apply payments or delete it.
Image 1 of 2 – Sales Orders List
Image 2 of 2 – Sale Order
The next list is called Sales Order Lines.
From here you can search by a specific Product by clicking the drop down or leave it empty to search all products.
General Tab
By default the Order tab and the General sub-tab will have the status set to display open sale orders. You can adjust that status and query by date range, event, unpaid orders only and amount ranges.
The images below detail each search tab of the Sales Orders list and how they appear by default.
Order > General
The grid will display columns related to products, if you want to get a summary report by product, set a date range and use the pivot function.
The last list under Product Sales is the Products list.
From here you can:
· Query by specific products, merchandise/tickets and/or event-specific products
· Add new products to your global list of products or update current ones
· View details on your current products (i.e. name, code, type, price, cost and related event)
The image below is what the Products list grid looks like by default.
To create a new product click [+ New] from the search tool strip.
From the Create New Product screen you can:
· Create a description
· Set the flag if the item is considered shipped when ordered
· Set the flag if the item has free shipping
· Set the flag if the item is tax exempt
· Create a product code
· Set the unit price
· Set the unit cost
· Set the handling fee
· Set the quantity on hand
· Set the max order quantity
· *Optionally add an image and copy HTML/JavaScript for a custom online shopping cart
The image below will show a sample product record.
In my example I created a product called Trail Blazer Sweatshirt.
Click [Save and Close] to finish creating your new product.
Click [Search] to refresh the list.
When creating events you will now have the option to choose these products from your Global List of products.
The image below is an example taken from within an Event record card.
There’re many related resources below that talk about other event and sale order related topics, 3rd party tools to help make your life easier, but as always please give us a call if you need some assistance.

#5 Related Resources
Article: Events 2014 Part I
Article: Purchase Orders
Article: Add a Background Image to an Event
Article: Display your Logo as a Redirect Link for an Event
Article: Events 2013 | Coupon promo code error messages
Video: Events 2013
Article: Events 2013
Article: Web site signup < iFrame >
Article: Configure Website
Article: Setting the Time Zone in your Trail Blazer Database
Article: Email Notification of Web Occurrences
3rd Party Resource: Notepad++
3rd Party Resource: HTML Tidy
Live Event Demo 1:
Live Event Demo 2:
Trail Blazer Live Support
Phone: 1-866-909-8700
*As a policy we require that you have taken Trail Blazer’s intro training class before calling or emailing tech support. Click Here to view our calendar for upcoming classes and events. After signing up you will receive instructions for how to log into the interactive online webinar.
*This service is included in your contract.