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Home : Queries : How do I find a record where I am unsure of the spelling?

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Article ID: KB80
Keyword Name: SQL Wildcards, Targeting a Record, Special Search, Specific, Field
Created: February 08, 2013
Viewed: 10920

How do I find a record where I am unsure of the spelling?

How do I find a record where I am not sure of the spelling?

We have a few undocumented ways to search for data in your database.  

For this article I will use just the Last Name field.  The techniques discussed here will work for any non-numeric field.

Operator Result Example
returns all records greater than x >d, returns all names after CZZZZZZZZ
returns all records less than x <d, return all names before D
/n returns all records where this field is NOT BLANK  
/b returns all records where this field is ALL BLANK  
% when used as the first character, will return any record that matches those characters that follow ANYWHERE within that field. %mund will return Amundsen, Adelmund, Aasmundrud, etc.

How you would enter these is shown below:

The last example is especially useful when you don't know what the name begins with, but you at least know a few letters.

If you were looking for  Kuehnemund and only heard it (not seen it),  enter: %mund
The system will all names with  'mund' ANYWHERE within the  name.


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