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Home : Election Day Use : Election Day Procedures | Poll Watchers

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Article ID: KB51
Keyword Name: election day procedures poll watchers, Election Day Procedures Poll Watcher, Poll Watchers, poll, watchers, procedures, election day, Election Day, Poll Watching, poll watching procedures
Created: May 10, 2018
Viewed: 18658

Election Day Procedures | Poll Watchers

This article has been replaced by this one:

Author: Kristenson, Joel

Last Updated: 2018-05-10


This article will walk you through Election Day procedures for poll watchers, utilizing the Trail Blazer software.


Under Application Menu follow Voter > Voters. Other Formats > Voters, W/Precinct/Ward, Contact Info.


Assuming you have attributes assigned to favorable voters, click the Address tab and select the Precinct where the Polling Place is located, and select the “Favorable Voter” attribute under the Attribute tab.

Click [Search] and select the (Load All) radio button, click [OK].

You can format the grid to include or remove columns of your choice or simply click Print on the middle tool strip and give the report a title, click [Print] to finish.  Precinct P102 w/favorable voters was used in this example.  

Send Poll Watchers to the polling place with the Printed Report to cross reference names of who has already voted with the names of who is on the Printed Report.  If using the mobile application, “Pinpoint Canvassing”, steps 6-9 would have been completed prior to the deployment of Poll Watchers.  Click this link to learn how to us this mobile utility.

Have the Poll Watcher(s) send the data collected from the polling place to headquarters where it can be imported into your Trail Blazer database under a new Attribute named: “Voted in xx/xx/xxxx election”.

To learn how to create this attribute continue reading…

Under the Attribute tab right click on the Attributes Folder and select Insert Item.

This will bring you to the Create New Attribute card, enter “Voted in xx/xx/xxxx” (this represents the current election) and click [OK].

Tick the [Yes] check box next to the new election attribute you created, and click the [Advanced Function] button to expand it.

Click the [Not] button to make the following search criteria “Not” true.

The Red X indicates that you want to search the criteria where the following is “Not” true.

Click [Search] to bring up the list of people who still haven’t voted in “xx/xx/xxxx” election and compare to your “Favorable Voter Report”.  Contact these people by phone and email to urge them to vote.

This procedure should be repeated 3 times a day.


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