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Home : FEC Reporting : Forced Itemization of Contributions

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Article ID: KB111
Keyword Name: Forced Itemization, Itemization, Itemize, FEC Reporting, Report, Contribution, Show, Display
Created: February 04, 2013
Viewed: 12547

Forced Itemization of Contributions


This article will teach you how to force itemize contributions that are under the $200.00 threshold so that they show up on your FEC report.  Described are two different methods to do this in the Trail Blazer system.

Steps to Manually Itemize Contributions for you FEC Report

Navigate to the contribution search window by following Application Menu > Voter > Contribution/Pledges > Contributions

Select the election from the election drop-down that you want to set itemized contributions for, also set the amount threshold from (minimum – 200) because all contributions over 200 will automatically be included on the FEC report. Click the [Search] button to populate your list.  In this example I selected the Primary 2014 election, set the amount threshold from (minimum to 200) and I had a record count of 44.

NOTE:  Instead of searching by the amount and election you could also click the voter tab from the contribution search window and search the record by first and last name.

After you load the list of contributions records that you want to itemize for your FEC report you will need to format in a new column called “ForcedItemization”.  Start by clicking the [Format] button on the list/grid tool strip.

Scroll down the list of column checkboxes on the right side and check the box next to ForcedItemization and then navigate to the Format tab to make this column updatable.

From the Format tab scroll down and check the Updatable box next to the ForcedItemization row, this will allow you to perform updates to this column back on the grid.  Click [OK] when you are finished.

The new column will now be added to your grid on the far right-hand side.  You can scroll out to the right and click-drag the column head to the left if you want.  In this example I dragged it next to the amount and name columns so I could easily decide which contribution record I want to itemize (show on the FEC report).

To update which records are itemized first click the [Edit] button which will turn the editable columns green, from here you can now check the boxes in the Forced Itemization column and [save and close] in the bottom right when you are finished.

You are now finished itemizing those contributions that are under $200.  The image below displays a sample record in Trail Blazer with contribution information and the same record on the FEC.  You will note that his total contribution amount was $100 but it still shows on the report because it was forced to be itemized.  The record name was Andy Berner.

Steps to Set Your Database Itemization Level for Automated Itemizations

Follow Application Menu > System Manager > Lists > Committee

This opens your Committee search window.  Click on any of the underlined links for the committee you want to set the itemization level for.  In this example I selected the “Kathryn For Congress” committee.

From within the committee card click on the Reporting Itemized Detail Levels Tab.  Here you can (optionally) set the itemized contribution and itemized expense level(s).   You also have a checkbox you can toggle on or off which will hide the ethic memo if the payee is under the itemized level you specify.

NOTE:  For most states the standard itemized level for contributions/expenses is everything above $200.00.  Check with an FEC analyst if you are unsure.

After you are done setting the Reporting Itemized Detail Levels click [Save and Close] in the bottom right to save your changes.


FEC Website – dates, reports, info, contact etc. -

Trail Blazer Knowledge Base – “Creating and Filing Your First FEC Report

Trail Blazer Knowledge Base – “Expenditure Reimbursement Schedule A itemization

Trail Blazer Knowledge Base – “Uploading your FEC Report – Error :Reason: null

Call an FEC analyst today!  With all your FEC related questions. (800) 424-9530


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