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Home : Household Management : How to Manually Create Households, Remove a Person from a Household, and How to Customize the Envelope-Salutation Fields for Mail-Merge

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Article ID: KB1372
Keyword Name: Household, Manage, Link, Relationship, Salutation, Member
Created: May 02, 2017
Viewed: 9932

How to Manually Create Households, Remove a Person from a Household, and How to Customize the Envelope-Salutation Fields for Mail-Merge

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Author: Kristenson, Joel

Last Updated: 2017-05-02


This article will teach you how to manually create and manage householdsThis article demonstrates how to perform this task from scratch, without running the automated household utility prior.

*If you’ve already householded your database using the automated utility this article can still be useful if you need to remove someone from a household (e.g. they passed away), manually add another member, or if you need to further customize the household envelope/salutation names to use when printing through Trail Blazer. Watch this video to learn what to do before householding, and read section #2 of this article to learn how to automatically household your database.


Navigate to the Households list.

Click [+ New] from the search tool strip.  It’s not a bad idea to run a search query by the household name to verify that the household doesn’t exist already.

Fill out the fields for Name, Salutation Name, and Envelope Name.  Click [Save] once you’re finished.  My example is below which demonstrates the typical naming convention that’s used in Trail Blazer for households.

Click [+ New] to begin adding members to the household.

Run a search for the contact and select them from the list.  If they don’t exist you’ll need to click [+ New] to add them.  My example is below where the person already existed.

Click [OK] when prompted.

Repeat this step until all members of the household are added.  In my example I added one more person.

Click [Save and Close] once you’re finished.

You can search the households list to view the new household you created.

That concludes the steps.

Continue reading to learn how to view household relationships within a contact’s record card and how to open the household record to modify it from there.

Navigate to the Contacts (Voters/Donors) list, query for the person you created a household for and open their record card.

Navigate to the Households tab to view who is part of the household.  You can click the green household button at the top of the record card to view/modify the household record further.  That button won’t be activated until you’ve created a household for the contact.

The related resources below link to a variety of articles and videos related to this topic.

Related Resources

Article: Managing Households – Creating, Deleting and Re-Creating

Article: How to Run a Household Export of Contact (Voter/Donor) Data to a .CSV Spreadsheet

Article: How to Set an Attribute for All Members of a Household En Masse

Article: How to Print Household Labels

Article: Creating your Own Custom Relationship Types – 2016 Upgrade

Article: Automatically Conform Addresses

Article: Splitting ‘Couples’ into Separate Records En Masse using the Build-In Utility

Article: How to Split a Single Contact Record into a Duplicate Contact Record for Householding a Couple

Article: How to Create a Year-End Tax Letter Addressed to Individuals or the Entire Household using Merge Fields – Nonprofit Only

Article: How to Print Mail-Merge Address Labels

Article: How to Print Envelopes

Video: Households – What To Do B4 Households!!

Video: Households – Delete and Recreate

Video: Households – Drag n Drop

Video: Households – Combine More Than 5 Members

Video: Writer Letter – Edit Letter after Mail Merge

Video: Year End Tax Letter

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