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Home : Financial : Fund Allocation and Summary Report

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Article ID: KB249
Keyword Name: Pivot Table, Report, Financial, Chart, Graph
Created: November 05, 2018
Viewed: 14437

Fund Allocation and Summary Report

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Author: Kristenson, Joel

Last Updated: 2018-11-05


This article will show you how to create new restricted funds.  Enter and allocate a new contribution towards multiple funds at once, and how to run a summary (pivot) report.


#1 Create a New Fund

#2 Manually Enter a Contribution and Allocate to Multiple Funds at Once

#3 Query by Funds and Run a Summary (Pivot) Report

#4 Related Resources Use the Ctrl+F hot key to jump to different sections using keywords like #1, #2, Related Resources

#1 Create a New Fund

*Assumes you have proper security settings

Follow Application Menu > System Manager > Lists > Funds

This will display your current fund list.  Click [+ New] from the search tool strip.

Enter a Fund NameIn this case I created a fund called 2014 – 2015 Capitol Campaign.

If you want to make the fund Active and/or Show on donation page - check the corresponding boxes.  In this case I did both.

Click [Save] when you’re finished (You can always open these funds back up in the future to make adjustments).

Click [Search] to refresh the list.

This is how it would appear on your donation form:

As of the date this article was written your online donors can only contribute to a single fund per donation.  The next section will show you how you can allocate a manually entered contribution to multiple funds at once inside the database.  This could come into play for check/cash/in-kind donations, but you could also open a pre-existing credit card donation and allocate it to fund(s) after the fact.

#2 Manually Enter a Contribution and Allocate to Multiple Funds at Once

Navigate to your donors list.

Query for the record of the person who contributed.  In this example I found my own record (Joel Kristenson).

Open the record and click on Contribute.

Click [+ New].

Fill out the fields relevant to your situation from the General tab, and click [Save]I entered a $1,000 single time contribution.

Click on the Allocate tab and click [+ New].

Enter the Amount to allocate towards a particular fund and click [OK]I entered $500 and selected the 2014 – 2015 Capitol Campaign.

Click [+ New] to allocate another portion of the remaining amount.

Trail Blazer will fill in the remaining contribution amount.  Choose another fund to allocate money towards and click [OK]I allocated the remaining $500 toward my Tech Fund – Software and Hardware.

Click [Save and Close] when finished.

In the Contribution tab it will display how much of the contribution was allocated towards funds.

#3 Query by Funds and Run a Summary (Pivot) Report

Navigate to the Contribution Allocations list.

Click [Search] to see all contributions that have been allocated towards funds.  It will display relevant columns in the grid.  In my sample database I had 206 contributions allocated towards funds for a total of $131,106.38.

You can further restrict the search query by things like date range, amount, a specific donor, among many other things.

After your list is populated with records click the [Pivot] button.

Check Fund from the Row Labels tab.

Check Show count of occurrences and Amount from the Data tab.

Click [OK] to create the pivot table.

Trail Blazer will display a progress bar, if you’re working with a huge amount of data pivot tables can take a bit of time to run.

Here’s an example of the final result.  I sorted by SUM (Amount) in descending order to put the largest fund at the bottom of my list.

You can Export, Print, and Chart the report.  In this example I created a Column graph.

You can print out the chart.

The pivot function exists on nearly every list throughout the database.  Try playing around with it or call us for advice.  You may run these types of reports:

- Email campaign opens by state

- Donors by state

- Volunteer hours by person and date range

- Sum total of pending/approved/decline grants

- Duplicate records by email address

#4 Related Resources

Article: Enter Contributions

Video: Getting Started 106a – Entering Contributions (NON PROFIT ONLY)

Video: Getting Started 106b – Entering Contributions (POLITICAL ONLY)

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*As a policy we require that you have taken Trail Blazer’s intro training class before calling or emailing tech support. Click Here to view our calendar for upcoming classes and events.  After signing up you will receive instructions for how to log into the interactive online webinar.

*This service is included in your contract.


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