Geocoding and Mapping Your Address Data

Today's Tip (Additional Service): take advantage of our geocoding tools to map out segments of your database or your entire universe of constituent records.

1. From the Voters / Donors List, load the records that you want to geocode.

2. Select File > Reporting > Mapping - Select Addresses for Geocoding.

3. Select your accuracy preference and click [OK] (most customers opt for the more accurate option).  This will trigger an email to our support team to begin the geocoding process on the selected addresses.

4. You will be sent an invoice for the service, and a notification once complete (expect 1-2 business days).

5. Launch the Trail Blazer IQ mapping tool by following File > Reporting > Launch TrailBlazerIQ (mapping)...

6. You can then view your data on a map and perform a variety of tasks with it, such as drawing turfs around the selected points that you want to canvass, call, or send direct mail to.

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