Signature date added to FEC reporting. This will allow you to run your report days before it's due, but still set the signature date to the due date (or any date you wish).

If you file FEC reports for several Trail Blazer customers, the FEC upload tool will load the proper committee number on the upload screen. You need only enter your password.

Bank Account list now displays the account balance instead of 0.
In the voter/donor table, the Notes column now allows editing right from the list without opening the voter/donor card.
If an attribute was deleted, and if immediately afterward the import utility was started and the New button was pressed to create a new source attribute, an error occurred. Fixed. How does one find these things?!
Added linkable fields to the Event card's Order lines. Also the Event card's Ticket tab has a linkable order line and order line items.
If you had your Include column removed from the list and you attempted a drag n' drop merge, you got an error. Fixed.
Bank Reconciliation - standard Export and Print buttons added to tool strip.
The Email Links search unit was not honoring the 'Not' setting. Fixed.
Improved exception handling in the search panels. This will aid us in determining where a search did not perform as expected.
"The Commission resumed operations on Thursday, October 17, 2013. Accordingly, the Commission will not pursue administrative fines against filers whose reports were due during the federal government shutdown and who failed to file on a timely basis as long as they file their reports by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, October 18, 2013. See 11 CFR 111.35. This deadline applies to both electronic filers and paper filers, including those that file with the Secretary of the Senate.
Staff in the Reports Analysis Division (202/694-1130) and Electronic Filing Office (202/694-1307) will be available to assist filers. "
On Tuesday we made some enhancements to the integrity of the data in the Payments section of TB. One of those enhancements caused the Memo tab to have focus when attempting to pay an invoice instead of the Payments tab. This version corrects that.

You access the name badges from the REPORTS button in the lower right of your screen:

It should run about 50 times faster with today's release. That will save you some time!
A new item was added today. For political customers it will read Voter Relationships.