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Home : Events : How to Setup and use Promo Codes with Events (All Available Options)

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Article ID: KB348
Keyword Name: Promo, Events, Discount, Code, Order, Ticket, Sale
Created: November 14, 2016
Viewed: 13040

How to Setup and use Promo Codes with Events (All Available Options)

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Author: Kristenson, Joel

Last Updated: 2016-11-14


This article shows how to create promo codes for events and the different options you have.  As of the time this article was written promo codes offer either a set amount or percentage off the ENTIRE order, it’s not specific to a ticket or product. Learn all about events (creating, configuring, creating manual purchase orders, etc.) by reading through the articles we have, and by watching the event videos on our YouTube Channel.


Open the event you’ve createdI used one called “Blazing Trails – The King’s Trail” with ID 28.

Navigate to the Promos tab and click [+ New].

Create a name/code (which is what you’ll distribute to event patrons for a discount), enter all the other required in the form (date, amount off/percentage off, descriptions, etc.), and then click [Save].

It’s important to note that you can either set a percentage or amount off the ENTIRE order.  My example is below where I created a promo called TBZ50% which offers 50% off the entire order.

After you save your promo code(s) they will display in the list with relevant details.  My example is below.

That completes the steps to create the event promos.

To run a test with your promo code(s), you’ll first need to create some tickets/products under Setup > Products.  My example is below where I created a piece of merchandise and 2 ticket options.

Click on the [View Page] button at the top of the event record.

Select some tickets/products and continue to the checkout page by clicking on the [Order and Register] button.

Enter your promo code and click [Apply].

If the promo code worked it will change the Total Due to reflect the new amount after the discount was applied.

The discount amount will reflect on the receipt that gets emailed out when people make a purchase.  My example is below.

Take a look at the related resources below to learn more about the event system.

Related Resources

Article: Events 2013 | Coupon promo code error messages

Article: Events 2013 | How to Create an Event with Tickets and Merchandise

Article: Purchase Orders – Manually Enter an Order for Tickets, Products, or Memberships from within an Event, and Record the Related Contribution Record

Article: How to Setup Different Payment Schedules for Events or Memberships – Ex (Monthly, Quarterly, or Bi-Weekly)

Article: How to Create Custom Email Responders for Specific Events – New 2016 Feature Upgrade

Article: How to Print or Re-Print Event Tickets and Event Order Receipts from your Database

Article: How to Add a New ‘Event’ to the Drop-Down List for Entering Contributions

Article: Manually Assigning Tickets to Specific Event Attendees (Ticket Holders) after the Original Order has been Created

Article: How to Style your Event Pages – 4 Example Mock Events – Sample CSS Code with Descriptions

Article: Events 2014 – Part I

Article: Events 2014 Part II

Article: Display your Logo as a Redirect Link for an Event

Video: Events 2013

Video: Events – Remove Person from Event

Video: Events – pay for an event online

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