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Home : General : How to Create an Event with Tickets and/or Merchandise

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Article ID: KB356
Keyword Name: Events, Purchase, Tickets, Products, Register, Sales
Created: March 02, 2017
Viewed: 12928

How to Create an Event with Tickets and/or Merchandise

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Author: Kristenson, Joel

Last Updated: 2017-03-02


This article provides a ‘quick overview’ on how to create a new event, add tickets/products, and how to publish the event online.

To get an in-depth knowledge of the event system, read through all the related articles and watch the videos at the bottom of this tutorial – the event system has many, many configurable options. Watch this video playlist on creating events.


Open the Events list.

Click [+ New] on the Search tool strip.

Create a name, check the box for ‘Enable assignment of contributions and expenses’, and enter a date-rage.

Enter a description in the top-right of the event record.

Click [Save] in the bottom-right and then navigate to Setup > Address.

Check the box for ‘Publish Address Information’, enter the venue name and the locationIf the check boxes aren’t activated, close and reopen the event.

Navigate to the Contact tab, check the box for ‘Publish Contact Information’, and enter your contact info.

Navigate to the Products tab and create your Tickets and/or Products under each of those tabs (shown in the two screenshots below).

Img 1 of 2 – Creating Merchandise

Img 2 of 2 – Creating Tickets

Make sure to provide a capacity and max order quantity for tickets/products or they’ll display as sold out.

If you want to offer promo codes, create them under the Promos tab.

Navigate to the Web Customization tab and record all the relevant information (basically everything in this tab is optional).

Add your logo under the Logo / Banner tab.  Start by clicking the [Select Image] button.

Either select an image you've previously uploaded to the System Gallery, or upload a new one.  Once it's selected, click [OK].

If you want to send a custom thank-you email (other than the receipt Trail Blazer automatically sends) you can select that under the Email Response tab.

Important: If you select your own template the event registrant will ‘not’ receive the order receipt that typically goes out unless you add that merge field into your template.

Under the Financial tab you have a few options:

- Set a fundraising goal (this column will display by default in the Events list so you can track your progress)

- Make all money for the event eligible for exclusion from query results (useful if you’re not counting the money as tax-deductible)

- Enable the event for recurring payments, which you can further configure under the Recurrence sub-tab

The last tab is called Legacy Settings.  You can ignore this as its being phased out in the future and only affects customers using the old version of the events system (prior to 2013).

Once you’re finished customizing the event, check the box in the upper-left to make it public and then click [Yes].

Click [Save] in the bottom-right and then click the [View] page button at the top which will open the event in your web browser.

My example is below.  It’s a good idea to run some test purchases to make sure everything operates as you intend (you can create a free ticket and/or product for this purpose and delete the purchase order after the fact).

When you’re finished creating the event you’ll need to copy the web address (URL) which is what you’ll use to publicize the event by mass email, snail mail, social media, and when linking it to your website so people can register.

As orders come in they’ll display under the Sales > Orders tab.

You can also query for the attendees from the Contacts (Voters/Donors) list.

The related resources below link to a wide variety of articles and videos that will teach you how to fully utilize the event tools in your database. Plan your events early and test thoroughly.  It’s never a good idea to wait until the last minute to learn how the event tools work if it’s your first time using them.  Call our live support if you need a hand with any of this.

Related Resources

Article: How to Duplicate an Event – Save Time by Not Re-Creating Everything from Scratch

Article: How to Setup Different Payment Schedules for Events or Memberships – Ex (Monthly, Quarterly, or Bi-Weekly)

Article: How to Create Custom Email Responders for Specific Events – New 2016 Feature Upgrade

Article: How to Print or Re-Print Event Tickets and Event Order Receipts from your Database

Article: Purchase Orders – Manually Enter an Order for Tickets, Products, or Memberships from within an Event, and Record the Related Contribution Record

Article: Events 2014 – Part I

Article: Events 2014 – Part II

Article: Web site signup < iFrame >

Article:  Setting the Time Zone in your Trail Blazer Database

Article: Configure Website

Article: Email Notification of Web Occurrences

Article: How to Delete an Event Purchase Order and the Linked Donation Record (Typically for Refunds or if a Mistake Occurred or if Data needs to be Moved)

Article: How to Add a Logo to an Event Page – 2015 Feature Upgrade

Article: How to Setup and use Promo Codes with Events (All Available Options)

Article: Add a Background Image to an Event

Video: Events 2013

Video: Events – Remove Person from Event

Video: Events – pay for an event online

Video Playlist: Events 2013

Trail Blazer Live Support  Phone:  1-866-909-8700   Email:



* As a policy we require that you have taken our intro training class before calling or emailing our live support team.

Click here to view our calendar for upcoming classes and events.  Feel free to sign up other members on your team for the same training.

* After registering you’ll receive a confirmation email with the instructions for how to log into the GoToMeeting session where we host our live interactive trainings.

* This service is included in your contract.


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