Recurring Donations Option
Increase revenue by choosing recurring donations from or Vanco. Donors enter payment information once to set up an entire series of recurring transactions.
Raise More on Facebook
Raise money on your Facebook page using our donation form which is linked to your Trail Blazer database.
PCI Compliant
Your data is secure in our PCI Compliant network. Trail Blazer achieved its PCI certification in 2014. We are committed to safeguarding your data and we promise to remain vigilant in monitoring our PCI compliance.
Sell Tickets
We know that fundraising events play a critical role in your organization's success. That's why we include at no cost our cutting-edge event and online donation tools. Free website integration is included with your Trail Blazer purchase. This means you'll easily track how many tickets have sold and plan accordingly. Plus, you can sell merchandise (i.e. mugs, t-shirts, etc.) easily using our free web tools.
Website Integration
Every time a donor makes an online donation, you can rest easy that all of the transaction data will be there for your detailed compliance reports.
Trail Blazer's fundraising software harvests all of the activity from your web page. Whether you're a political or nonprofit organization or a PAC, your online donations are tracked and logged using our web forms.